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FTT works with clients ranging in size from those with a single forklift truck up to those with a large fleet and all sizes and types in between.

It does not stop with forklift training we also cover:-

  • Manual Handling
  • Overhead Cranes
  • Tow Tractors
  • Working at height with Cherry Pickers and Scissor lifts

Training takes place at our clients premises ensuring the training is very much linked to your machinery and any issues relevant to your workplace can be factored in.

Why Work With FTT Scotland?

Experience – in a word, with a lifetime of experience to draw on, we have seen just about everything and trained thousands of operators to deliver safe and efficient best practice. When operators ask a question, I have the answer – I do not have to reply “well that is a good question I will get back to you.”

As the industries have evolved so has FTT Scotland. Geographically we cover the whole of Scotland and the Islands. If you are looking for an experienced training company with a long track record of success please do get in touch on 07825 093 109.

FFT Scotland

FTT Scotland Ltd is a training company that trains in various industrial machinery from forklifts to mewp’s.

With nearly 40 years’ experience in the industry which started in 1988 when I became an instructor for the British oxygen Company (BOC), after gaining a year of experience in training. I then joined Lansing Bagnall in 1989. which later became Linde Material Handling. I worked in the training division of Lansing/Linde for 22years where as well as being a forklift instructor I gain qualifications on various other machinery and also became a qualified tutor to train company personnel to become instructors within their own company.

I left Linde MH in December 2010  when they no longer wanted a training division in Scotland. As part of the deal when leaving I was given the training division form Linde MH Scotland and renamed the company and formed FTT Scotland Ltd in the same year 2010.

We have worked with and still do with various companies from small independent  to multinational.